
Welcome to my Website!

This Site is host to my ArtWork and Film Projects That I have gathered together.

About Me My Portfolio Commissions Art Gallery Video Gallery Projects Demo Reel 2023

Social Media Links:

Donate To My Ko-Fi Here: Ko-Fi.

My YouTube: Youtube.

Twitter: Twitter.

Tumblr: Tumblr.



I should have posted this way earlier but I have updated my art Gallery, with the slideshows connected to the years they are based on.

I've Also Added a cancelled projects page with the first entry being Monster in Suburbia. Check it out!


Gonna be slow with updates these next few weeks, I will still be doing tweaks but I won't write it as often yet.

Right now it's figuring out if I wanna reformat some things or change things around.

Especially with working on my other projects.

Right now I wanna focus less on my main art gallery unless it's new new art, and focus on the individual projects pages which will also get possible overhauls.


Added the Buggs Trailer video to the Buggs page.


Good News! All Strips posted in the Buggs Page!


New Strip Posted In The Buggs Page


New the Buggs! Strip has been posted


New The Buggs! Strip Posted.


New The Buggs! Strip Posted.


New The Buggs! Strip Posted.


New Buggs! Strip added.


New Buggs strip added.


New Buggs strip added.


New Buggs strip posted in the fenton fly page. Will be focusing on that more than posting other art.


New The Buggs Strip added in the fenton fly page of my Projects page.


Added new Art Piece to art Gallery and updated the Fenton Fly Page.


Art piece added to art gallery.


New Art Piece and updates to the fenton Fly Page.


New Art Piece added to Art Gallery.

Fenton Fly Updated with new Art and comic strip.


New Art Piece addded and new video added to Video Gallery via the test video page.

Plus some Fenton Fly updates!


Added a Piece to Art Gallery.

Added a Video to Video Gallery Via the Test Video page.

Made some updates to the Fenton Fly Page.

Comic Strips finally are working.


Added a Piece to Art Gallery as well as a slideshow video.


Added a Piece to Art Gallery as well as a slideshow video.


Added a Piece to Art Gallery.

Added a Video in the test footage section.

Made some minor tweaks and annoucements on my Fenton Fly page within the Projects section.


Added a Piece in Art Gallery.

Added a Video in Video Gallery under Oddities.

Continued to Update the Fenton Fly page in Projects.


New Piece added to Art gallery.

New Video Added to video Gallery via the Test footage section.

The Fenton Fly page is still a wip.


Art added to Art Gallery.

Art Gallery for the Fenton Fly page is a work in progress.


Art added to art gallery.

Fenton Fly Page is opened.

Will have an art page, archive of the Buggs comics and a news section.


New Piece added to art gallery.

Cleaned up projects page, currently have DinoBall/Foodchain and SheHulk Vs Godzilla pages are up.

Next Mission is to work on a page for my second webcomic, the Buggs and figure out if I wanna combine it with my upcoming stop motion animated short.


Added a new piece to Art Gallery

All DinoBall Strips are Available now to read, it can be found in the Projects page Under DinoBall/Foodchain.


Added a new piece to my art gallery.

Added some videos in both Tesst footage and oddities in my Video gallery page.

Tweak some pages in my Project page.


Added New piece to Art gallery.

Added Videos to Oddities and Test Footage.

Moved the Foodchain and She Hulk Vs Godzilla Pages into Projects.


Added new piece to Art Gallery

Added A new Video to Video Gallery.

Working on Projects page as it should be the big draw of this site besides maybe commissions.

Also I decided to hold the entire Art Slideshow page into my art gallery since it's all the same works.

Pretty Soon I might make them their own page of Art of that year and their adjacent Art Slideshow.

I May be reorganizing and rearranging pages like this going forward.


Commission Page has a full gallery now of all the art I have done for other people.

Art Gallery has a piece added.

Oddities page added to Video Gallery

Comics is still having problems with certain images not being allowed to be uploaded.

Projects is also slowly being chipped away at, I may be moving certain pages around.

Also added some more links to videos in my video gallery.


Added more previous Commission pieces to Commission Page.

Added a handful of new pieces to Art Gallery.

Opened a Demo Reels portion for my Video Gallery page.

Also added videos through most of the subpages of my Video Gallery.

Fixed a comic for DinoBall but Im still figuring out why some images don't work.

Added a few listings of Projects.


Added new piece to Art Gallery

Introducing the Projects page!

You can view what I'm working on and news about said projects.

Will fill it with info, concept art and etc.

Still attempting to fix some broken images.

Added some Videos to my Video Gallery.

Also finally added an archival piece to my Commissions page, this will showcase the various commissions I've done.


Added new piece to Art gallery

Also Added some new strips to the webcomic section that I think should be viewable.

Same thing for videos.


Don't worry, no april fools day prank.

Added a new piece to Art gallery.

Added a strip to Dinoball.

Also I am in the process of making a gallery of commissioned work on my Commission page.


Added new piece to Art gallery.

Also Introducing my Comics Page.

Will archive my previous attempts at webcomics.


New Piece added to Art Gallery.


New piece added to Art gallery.

Also opened up the Video Gallery page, still a work in progress.


New piece added to Art Gallery.

Also Currently in progress, Video Gallery, Comics and now Projects pages are in progress.


Added New piece to Art Gallery.


Addded new piece to art gallery.


Introducing My art gallery!

Currently just have One piece of art there.

However I will regularly update it as much as Possible.


Added new piece to porfolio.

Also some minor tweaks on pages.


Updated About, Portfolio and Commission with my Home page button.

so if you were linked just my commission or portfolio page and you wanna explore the rest of the site, the button is there.

Also added a piece to my Portfolio page.


Updated my Commission page so it's actually easier to contact me.

Also added a piece to my portfolio.

Also Also Embarassed that I have to annouce this but, I realized I needed to add a Home page for all my pages.


Good News! Commissions are finally Opened! You can view the page for more information.

I plan to add more to the page for example a Gallery of commissioned Art.

In Other news, added a new Piece to portfolio.

Also My sights now are on working on my Art Gallery page.


Added New Piece on Portfolio.

Commission Page Almost Done, I just need to do some additional looking into things.

Art Gallery page is also in the works.

Will Release when I have at least one image on there like Portfolio.


Added New piece on my Portfolio Page

Commission Page is coming together, I still need to figure how to give thanks to someone who helped.

Also need to still add some extra info before I will unveil it.


Added a New Piece on my Portfolio page.

Added a Commission Board on my Commission Page.

However I still need to put down in writing some extra Details and Re-remeber what I need to do to get paid for a comm.


Added a new piece on my Portfolio

Commission Section Still Under Construction.


Updated my Portfolio With another art piece and updated my About Me.

Still Currently Working on a Commission section.


Updated my Portfolio With another art piece and updated my About Me. Currently Working on a Commission section.


Updated my Portfolio and About Me


Updated my About Me and added a Portfolio page where you can see a handful of My work.


Added an About Me page, will add more to it.


Site Still Under Construction But Please Enjoy what I have here!